
Powder phenolic resin for consolidated abrasive tools (functional type)

This series of products are made of special phenolic resin production process or modified phenolic resin, which has special properties different from ordinary phenolic resin and can be applied to special grinding wheels, such as superhard grinding wheels, heavy-duty grinding wheels and diamond grinding wheels. When applied to ordinary grinding wheels, it can improve the corresponding properties of ordinary grinding wheels, such as aging resistance, toughness, heat resistance and cutting strength.This series of products are made of special phenolic resin production process or modified phenolic resin, which has special properties different from ordinary phenolic resin and can be applied to special grinding wheels, such as superhard grinding wheels, heavy-duty grinding wheels and diamond grinding wheels. When applied to ordinary grinding wheels, it can improve the corresponding properties of ordinary grinding wheels, such as aging resistance, toughness, heat resistance and cutting strength.

Contact Us
Contact: Mr.Li +86138-0533-7575
Contact: Mr.Sun +86135-6162-3306
Address: No.628, 6th Floor Tongqian Davis Business Center, Lutai Road, High-tech District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China
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