
Carboxylic butadiene-styrene latex

Carboxyl styrene butadiene latex is a kind of milky water dispersion with blue-purple luster, which is a copolymer formed by emulsion polymerization of butadiene, styrene and a small amount of carboxylic acid and other additives.With a high proportion of combined styrene, it has the advantages of high adhesion and conjunctival strength, good mechanical and chemical stability, good fluidity and storage stability, and large filling capacity. There is very little residual benzene monomer and it is an environmentally friendly product.

Applications: Papermaking, carpets, textiles, environmentally friendly jewelry (carbon carvings and plastic flowers), building decoration industry (modified cement mortar, wood glue, modified asphalt, oil field drilling), etc.

Contact Us
Contact: Mr.Li +86138-0533-7575
Contact: Mr.Sun +86135-6162-3306
Address: No.628, 6th Floor Tongqian Davis Business Center, Lutai Road, High-tech District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China
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